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Our T40 features an all aluminum housing with a one hour gas flow timer kit. No longer will community properties or property managers have to worry about grills being left on for hours. The T40 built in gas flow timer, shuts off the gas supply no more than one hour! Combine this great feature with our commitment to producing highly efficient burner systems, our use of material that get the heat to the cooking grids quickly, and the result is the ultimate "green" and "safe" Perfromance Grilling System. Furthermore, the entire grill and its components carry a 1 year full parts replacement warranty when used in a commercial application. PGS is the only leading manufacture to offer this great benefit.
Our T40 features an all-aluminum housing with a one hour gas flow timer kit. No longer will community properties or property managers have to worry about grills being left on for hours. The T40 built in gas flow timer, shuts off the gas supply no more than one hour! Combine this great feature with our commitment to producing highly efficient burner systems, our use of material that get the heat to the cooking grids quickly, and the result is the ultimate "green" and "safe" Performance Grilling System. Furthermore, the entire grill and its components carry a 1 year full parts replacement warranty when used in a commercial application. PGS is the only leading manufacturer to offer this great benefit!
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